Spode Works

ACAVA converted part of the historic 250 year old Spode ceramics factory to provide 43 studios, an exhibition space and professional development programmes. Completed in 2018 in partnership with Stoke-on-Trent City Council and Arts Council England.

Location Details

Elenora Street
Stoke-on-Trent ST4 1QQ

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Studios range in size from 100 to 500 sq. ft., most have excellent light, they are open 24/7 and offer workspace for a range of arts, creative and social practices.

Combined with other developments on the site Spode Works is part of an ambitious vision to develop a creative hub that will revitalise the local creative economy.

Building on past High Street Heritage Action Zone projects, ACAVA continues to work in partnership with local cultural organisations: B arts, Spode Rose Garden, The British Ceramics Biennial (BCB) and Festival Stoke.

An emerging new partnership with The Spode Museum Trust, informed by the heritage of the Spode site, aims to involve more local people in arts and culture.


  • Open 24/7

Transport links

  • Train: Stoke-on-Trent and 10 mins walk

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